Interface - Support for Innovation in Scottish Public Sector

Interface enables business-academic collaborations for economic and societal benefit.

Based regionally throughout Scotland, Interface works with businesses of all sizes, in all sectors, to match them to Scotland’s world-leading academic expertise to help them grow. With connections into all Scottish universities, research institutes and colleges, Interface has established and efficient processes that will save businesses time and money in finding and accessing academic expertise, research, technologies, specialist facilities and funding. The free and impartial service has helped thousands of organisations to become more competitive enabling them to increase their profits, maximise their export potential and ultimately become more sustainable. Interface Online | Interface Knowledge Connection | Academia (

Innovation Voucher funding Interface administer funding from The Scottish Funding Council to seed a collaboration with Scotland’s universities, colleges and research institutes.

Standard Innovation Vouchers The Standard Innovation Voucher scheme encourages new collaborations between a Scottish organisation and a university or college.

Student Placement Vouchers The Student Placement Voucher scheme builds on existing relationships between Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Scotland.